Your Lists

Anyone with a library account, logged into CountyCat, can create a list.  By default, lists are private and are not searchable in the catalog (although there are many public lists made by library staff which are searchable to help you discover titles). If you change one of your own lists from private to public within your account, then you can share the list with others as a web link. 

Import your lists from the old catalog

If you created lists in the old catalog, you can import them after logging into CountyCat.  Go to Your Account > Your Lists and click the Import from Old Catalog button. 

You can import your saved lists from the old catalog

View Import Saved Lists instructions
NOTE:  if titles were deleted from the library catalog, they will not appear on your imported list. 

How to create and manage a list

here are two ways to add titles to a list: add one item at time from your search results or add multiple items from a list of title or ISBNs.

Adding items to a list from search results

1. Search for a desired item.  For each title of interest click the Add to List button.

 2. You'll then be prompted to Create a New List or add the title to an existing list. 

View Your List

3.  View your lists and saved titles under your account > Your Lists.  You can take actions from the list page including placing a hold, sorting items, exporting the list, or deleting one or more titles from the list.
Viewing the contents of a List in CountyCat

Adding multiple items to a list

1. Go to the Your Lists area of your account.  Select an existing list or create a new list that you want to add items to.

2. Click the "Add Multiple Titles" button.  This will open a pop-up box where you can paste a list of titles and/or ISBNs you have saved.

Adding multiple titles to a saved list in CountyCat

Review the list of added titles for accuracy.  When batch adding titles to a list, you may get a match of the wrong item with a similar title. It's best to enter in as much of the title as you can to make it very specific.  Short, generic titles are likely to get a false match (e.g., The Guest).

View the Lists help guide

How to share a list

Share a List

Your list can be shared with others by changing it from Private to Public.  By default, all lists are private.  To share your list:

1. Log into your account and go to Your Lists.

Your Lists is under your account

2. Find the list you want to share in your account and click on the title.  Clicking on the title takes you into the list to edit it.

Click on the title of a list to enter into it.

3. Click the Edit button at the top of the list. 

Edit list button lets you edit the list

4. Near the top of the screen, change the access from Private to Public and click the Update button. Once a list is public you may share it with others.  In this edit area, you could also alter the name of the list or add in a description, again saving it by clicking Update.

Change the access from private to public and then you can share the list with others.

To share your list, copy the web address in your browser.  Anyone opening the link will be taking to a view-only version of the list, and will not be able to edit the list. 

Are my lists in CountyCat the same as those in the CountyCat Mobile app?

No. At this time the lists are created and managed separately in the CountyCat desktop catalog and the CountyCat Mobile app.  

View the FAQ above for help creating and managing lists in CountyCat. 

View the CountyCat Mobile app My Lists help guide.

Reading History

A reading history is CountyCat's way of tracking the titles you checked out.  To activate this feature, you need to indicate in your library account that you want to start recording this information.  NOTE:  Reading history information is not available for any account linked to your own. Similarly, anyone having your account linked cannot see your reading history.

How do I access my reading history?

If you had a reading history in the old catalog, you can transfer it over by logging into CountyCat, going to Your Account > Reading History, then clicking the button that guides you to import and opt into the reading history  feature. 

Your Account has a reading history area

How to manage your reading history

What's Included in Your Reading History?

The CountyCat reading history includes the title, author, format, date of last use and a rating (if available).  Included here are any physical items you have checked out as well as Libby titles!  

Your Reading History includes physical materials and Libby titles.

Manage Your Reading History

Once you have enabled the reading history feature, you may sort the list by last used, by title, by author or by format.  There is also a search box so you can enter in a keyword to jump to a title in your reading history.

Use the Export to CSV button to export the sorted list out of CountyCat into an external file.

Buttons to manage your reading history list

Deleting Titles on Your Reading History

You can delete individual titles off of your reading history list but choosing the delete button.  IMPORTANT:  Do not click the Stop Recording Your Reading History button if you want to ever get back to your current list.  Once you click that button, you will lose all of the titles on the current reading history list!

View the Reading History help guide

How to manually add titles to your Reading History

How To Manually Add Items to Your Reading History

If you have the Reading History feature enabled, you may now manually add titles to it using the Add to List button in CountyCat.  Read on for details.

1.  Locate the title you want to add to your reading history.  You may need to identify and select a particular format and click on that format button (e.g., Book). Then click the Add to List button. 

Click the Add to List button to manually add a title to your reading history

2. CountyCat will display a pop-up box called Add To. Click once on the Reading History tab. Then use the drop down menu to select the month and year when you read the selected title.  Then click the Save to Reading History button. 

Click the Reading History tab and select when your read the chosen title.

3. CountyCat will next display a pop-up message to let you know whether or not the title was added successfully. Then click Close to return back to the catalog. 

CountyCat will let you know if you successfully added the title to your Reading History. Then click Close.

4. Keep in mind, when you run across the title in CountyCat, it will note when you last checked it out.  See the image below for an example. 

Last Checkout badge now shows for this title.

Why are some titles not showing in my reading history?

Below are some reasons why you may not see titles in your reading history, OR, why you may see fewer titles in your reading history:

  • Titles are suppressed from view in the catalog by staff because they are marked as damaged or having another status that means they are not available for public use
  • Titles have been withdrawn from the library collection and the record no longer exists in CountyCat. See the screenshot below which shows the title "more music for 1s and 2 also 3s and 4s" but no other information.

Title on my reading history deselected from the catalog

  • Titles that share a grouped work - for example, two different publication dates of a title are counted in your reading history once not twice
  • Titles that share the same grouped work but contain multiple items/volumes - for example, every month you check out Vogue. Those are counted in your reading history once not for each month's checkout
  • Titles that share the same grouped work but have been accessed in multiple formats - for example, you checked out the book Because of Winn Dixie AND the audiobook. That title is counted once in your reading history not twice.
Is this reading history the same as what's in the CountyCat Mobile app?

Yes.  However, you need to first Opt In (start) your reading history within the CountyCat desktop catalog before you will see the reading history in the app.  See the instructions above on this page for how to do that.  

Here is a picture of the CountyCat app when a person's reading history is not activated. 

Here's the app when a patron hasn't activated the reading history first